Sunday, February 20, 2011

3 sahabat

Adyla and Awyn :)

They are my best ever friend in the class. We laughing together, work together, studying together and whatever we are doing is always together :p We love to laugh loudly in the class and we are funny. Sometimes people don't know what the reason we are laughing for but they join us too even they don't know what the reason. Damn funny yeahh ;)

I love them so much and thank you for accepted me as a new friend. We don't care what do people say about us. None of our business right guys? Let they get their sin! They are jelous with us because we are a good friend. Everything we are doing together and we happy three. Kann? Maths period Dyla mesti tidur. I'm studying and teach Awyn. If science period we are laughing all the time and sometimes Awyn teach us. Even we are naughty but we still studying. Kannn?

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