Thursday, June 3, 2010

Im tired :'(

Okay i try to be strong. I always said that im strong enough. But do you feel its true? Totally not guyyyyyyyyys! Im acting. Yes im tired acting that im okay. Tadi before pergi tuition. Kak Ayda datang rumah. Sumpah i do really miss her so much like hell yeahh :( dia sampai rumah and kita orang hug. Im crying in front of her. She share her problems with me. Serious rindu dia. Akak adik ada akak je. Adik dah takde siapa. Bila adik ingat akak, bila adik lepak dengan akak. In my mind selalu ingat Megat. Kenapa mesti? Sebab the time adik still couple dengan Megat kita close akak. Yea close sangat. Akak sayang adik dengan Megat macam adik kandung akak sendiri :( Kita lepak malam malam depan rumah akak. Laughing together. Serious shittt i do really miss that moment. Yeahhh akak adik tak kuat. Im weak akak. Adik jelous akak dengan Dyno lama. Kita selalu tanya each other kan? Adik, akak and Miya. Akak still dengan Dyno and Miya still dengan Faiz. Korang dah 1 year. But adik? 080710 ni adik 1 year. But sampai sini je hubungan adik dengan Megat. How to do? Crying alone and talk with mirror. I know nobody loves me. Nobody care about me. Fine!! Im okay with it. But serious shittt my new life now is totally different. Akak adik rinduu akak. Adik rindu Megat. Haish adik type pun menggigil sambil menangis. Korang dua je kekuatan adik. Tapi kita lost contact hampir sebulan kak. Lepas adik tukar number, lepas adik bagi tahu akak yang adik dah break dengan Megat kita lost contact till you find me at my home today. You send me at Universal for tuition. Akak sumpah i love youu. Sumpah kak!! Im sad kak :( Yes we was text now. Adik bagi tahu akak adik tengah update blog. Akak adik sedih sangat. Adik tak pernah rasa sedih sampai macam ni sekali. Kenapa ni yang patut adik terima? Kenapa adik tak boleh terima ujian ni dengan tabah? Dah lah exam week now. Adik tak stabil semua. Ya ALLAH i miss my old life. I need it back. Yes memang!! I really wanna move on. But i can't. I don't know why. Lepas Megat datang dalam hidup adik everything changed akak. Everything!! And lepas dia pergi tinggalkan adik, adik tak boleh terima hidup adik macam ni. Today genap 1 month adik single. Im face this world alone without Megat.

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